Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mail Call

Mommy got her new drivers license and the Pennysaver in the mail today.  But...Finn got the coolest mail!

We were the winners of the eco-friendly flush baggies from All Things Dog Blog!  Woohoo!  I won't give you a play by play of how I come to my review of the baggies, but we are definitely psyched to check them out!

And we got some goodies in our package too - some cool bandanas.  Here's Finnie wearing the white one - isn't she pretty?!  :)  I call the one on the left one art-in-motion.   And you can see in the one on the right that she's still enjoying Sarge's toys from our doggie swap!

And then, thanks to our neighbors, we learned about a cool doggie park nearby, and we received our Pooch Pass today too!  That's her id card and my entrance swipe card - very hi-tech.  Can't wait to let you know how our first visit there goes!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Four Stages of Hose Mania

Recognition, jump for joy;
at this moment we are confused as to if we own a dog or a kangaroo

Urgency stage; The "turn it up" look

Pure enjoyment

And finally, what we call "crazy eyes";
is there such a thing as too much fun with the hose?!?!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


January 2011

June 2011

And we've still got some growing to do!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Take Your Dog to Work Day

Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day, and since we do that practically every day, I thought I'd give Finn a chance to show you how good she has it!

A typical day for moi:

First we get up really early and head into Mommy's workplace.  Sometimes I make it difficult to get going in the morning...

Then we drive in.  It's early, I'm still a little sleepy...

Daddy drops us off before head heads out to where he's working.  Then I get some chow....

Then Mommy either takes me for a walk or plays with me for a little bit before anyone else gets in.  Look at that fun golf cart - take me for a ride!

Then my friends arrive...they swing by all day long and pet me and play with me.


Then I beg for attention while Mommy's working....

Then I take a nap in a very convenient place...

 When I wake up, Mommy takes me to the big kitchen so I can eat on some ice...

Yesterday she told me we CAN'T go outside in the afternoon because it was raining or something like that - can you see the rain pouring in the puddles behind me?  She let me out on the patio so I could splash a bit!

Then in the afternoon I usually many toys to choose from here!

Sometimes Mommy gives me treats and I annoy her by playing with them instead of eating them.  It's so much fun!

And then Daddy usually comes and we all go home together.  Today Mommy is working late and so she says we'll be heading home later.  I hope she remembered to bring dinner!

Mommy says I don't know how good I have it...what?  This doesn't happen to all doggies every day?!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday Morning

I simply could not resist this face this morning.

Notice the new leash?  The old one was chewed through from all that tug-o-war!  And we are very ready for Take Your Dog to Work Day tomorrow!  Woohoo!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Own Pool! happened!  The plumber came yesterday to install this

So we had water in the backyard!  And Dad could do this

And then I could do this

I had sooooooo much fun

Then I came back inside so I could do this

Re-energize for round 2!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Finn's Friday

You've been out.

Where were you?

Oh, buying me a pressie??

Can I open it?  I've been such a good girl.

Oh, it goes outside?!  I love it out there.  Lemme seeeeeeeeee

I don't get it.  Where's the water?  Oh, the plumber is coming tomorrow to make it so it comes out right here...

Oh.  So we won't play with it today?!!!?

Oh.  I see.

I am so mad.  What's this - squeaky clown - I'll just have to play with him today...

Hurmph.  Life is tough for me!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mom's Bad Day or Finn's Bad Day, whichever way you want to look at it!

It started so innocently - she got her leg caught up in her leash and I bent down to untangle her and WHAMMO - I felt a bump!  I tried to hold down the fifty pound beast and reach for it again, but alas, she flailed and ran out of my grip.  Was it, *gulp* a tick?!??  She wouldn't let me hold her, and so, I called a co-worker in another part of the building.  "COME UP HERE NOW."  A bottle of mineral spirits, some q-tips, a tweezer, the two of us holding her down, and viola!  We got it.

But wait, a second look, a second feel, and there was...ANOTHER ONE.  Ugh.  Get the qtips back out - get in position to hold her down again, lots of "Yes, you're a goood girl, yes yes yes, gooooood girl."   - Mission Accomplished.  

I am being over dramatic of course.  I am very lucky my boss loves dogs.  And that my co-workers don't think I am crazy.    And that Advantix works (I should mention here that my co-worker said they were practically dead, just clinging to the fur).  Finn's fine - lots of treats and she's back to her old normal self - sleeping with her head under my table's leg!

Vile arachnid!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Today, we took a ride out to Montauk, affectionately called "The End" - - 

Map courtesy of

It was so nice - cooler weather, ocean breezes...

Sniffing around in the rocks, trying to eat the seaweed...

She looks like she's had the best day ever, no?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dog Swap with Sarge

Last night we got a package!

Ah, Finn, there's more to the package than the cardboard!!

Oooooohhh!  Fun pulling toys!!

Ouch!  Prickly things that I am sure will make my fur shine!

Yum yum yum yum

An instant favorite!

Squeak squeak squeak

She loves all of her gifts! Thank you Sarge, this was fun!