Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bully Sticks

She loves them!  And who can resist that face?
I was getting a little concerned about how many rawhide chewsticks I gave Finn.  I know there's a heavy debate about whether or not dogs should even have chewsticks, so I started to learn about bully sticks.  They are all natural and approved by the FDA, so I thought I would try them.  Finn loves them.  She can munch on them for an hour at a time, but there are some down points:

- They are a little on the pricey side.  An 18 inch bully stick will cost $8 at my local Petco.  

-  They let off a bit of an odor.  It's nothing rancid, but they do smell a bit.  Finn also needs a ton of water afterwards.

- They are tough for Finn to get her mouth around.  I usually have to hold it for her to get her started, and then she'll take it from me when she's ready to lay down (meaning, she's tired of standing while munching)

All that said, I wouldn't stop buying them.  Finn loves them, and how can I say no to that face?

That will re-harden once she stops munching.


  1. We give Charlie rawhide retriever rolls, but make sure they're US-made. We get them from and they're a lot cheaper than at the store.

  2. Well, as long as your pet is happy about it and it doesn't seriously harm your dog then it is alright. As for the price, there are online stores that gives lesser than retail prices.


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